Parcel Hub Design


Product Design, UI & UX Design

2024 - 2024

intro logo cover

Parcel is a powerful and reliable ecommerce system offering a service to developers and group owners to sell virtual assets easily. We continually strive to keep the system up to date and add more features to provide an even better experience to our customers.

Product Design

UI & UX Design

Introducing the Parcel Hub Journey

When starting the design, I got my first trial. I had to show them that I was be able to complete the project without delivering poor projects. So they Asked me to build Barzaarblox. After this I got accepted to this journey. Firstly I was given a 365 account including an email adress, customer support acces to help fixing early buggs for release. Currently they were switching the way of giving projects so this project was made via the discord groupchat.

After some weeks I've been able to deliver my project. I had to make a few adjustments, create it not only in Figma but also in Roblox Studio and some other small features had to be added as requested. The project was succesfully finished and were delivered far before my deadline.


Here are some designs I've created that did not make it in the final project

A thank you

I would like to thank Joshhy, Julian and Amin for helping with this project with giving me feedback for improvement.

Enable Smooth Scrolling

For the best experience, would you like to enable or ignore the Smooth scrolling plugin from Lenis.