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We ♥ Web with Dion Pieters Creative Developer

1 minute read time · 184 words · We ♥ Web

At the recent We ♥ Web event, Dion Pieters, a Creative Developer and lecturer at FDND, shared tips and tricks for what he encountered when creating his portfolio.

Dion’s session, took place from 13:00 - 14:00 in MLH01A30. He talked about these different points when starting building his portfolio:

  • How much time should be invested?
  • Who will design it?
  • Who will view it?
  • What do I want to showcase?

Dion talked about that developers don’t need to be designers. He used the Sydney Opera House as an example, showing how great things can be created without prior experience in a specific field.

Dion admitted he’s very critical of his own work, saying his portfolio is the worst website he has ever made. He also mentioned a project for Adam Underwear that he didn't like.

He worked with Sean Hofman, who suggested adding something fun, like a big smiley, which became part of his first design. Dion likes using WebGL to add animations to his site, making sure it’s not static.

He ended by saying,

"Your own portfolio might be the worst product you'll ever make"